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Welcome to Epiphany!

We are so excited that you're thinking of joining us for worship. We can't wait to meet you! We hope that you'll find the answers to any questions you may have on this page, but if not, please feel free to contact us.

Holy Communion

Sundays at 10:00 a.m.

in-person at Epiphany

Midweek Worship

Midweek worship is paused for the summer.
We will resume in September!

The Right Reverend Mary Irwin-Gibson baptizes a baby along with the Reverend Amy Hamilton.

Getting Here transit

We are located two minutes from the De L'Église Metro station. We are also near a number of bus lines including the 58, 61, 12, 37, and 107. car

There is metered street parking along Rue Wellington (except June-August), as well as limited free parking on our cross street, Rue Gordon.
(Note that Rue Gordon is a one-way street.)

  • What language do you worship in?
    Our worship is in English.
  • What should I wear to church?
    Come in whatever clothes make you feel comfortable. From suits to sweatpants, we'll be happy to see you no matter what you're wearing.
  • What is a typical service like?
    We follow a regular order of service (based on the Anglican Church of Canada's Book of Alternative Services) every Sunday. When you arrive, you'll be given a bulletin and a hymn book to help you follow along with the service. On any given Sunday, we will sing hymns, read from the Bible, listen to a sermon, pray, and have Holy Communion. Worship typically lasts between and hour and an hour and a half, and then we join together in the church hall for coffee and refreshments. You are more than welcome—but not required—to join us for Coffee Hour.
  • Are you taking any precautions to prevent the spread of COVID-19?
    We continue to take COVID seriously in order to protect the vulnerable members of our community. If you have cold/flu/COVID-19 symptoms, or have tested positive for COVID-19 in the last 10 days, please do not come to church. We don't have a worship livestream, but we would encourage you to watch the livestream of another church such as Christ Church Cathedral's service at 10:30. We ask that everyone worshipping with us wear a mask during the service. If you choose to receive Communion, please briefly remove your mask to consume the bread and wine, and then put it back on before returning to your pew. If you prefer to receive a blessing, please cross your arms over your chest.
  • I'm interested in getting baptized or confirmed. Or I'd like to have my child baptized. What should I do?
    We're so excited that you're interested in taking part in these important rites. The first step is to come to church on a Sunday morning so you can get to know our community a little bit. And then, if you think you'd like that we are the right community for you to take this step, talk to the clergy after the service or contact us to set up a meeting with our priest Amy.
  • Is this a Roman Catholic church?
    Church of the Epiphany is not a Roman Catholic church. We are a part of the Anglican Church of Canada. You will find some similarities between our church and a Roman Catholic church. Like Catholics, we celebrate Communion every Sunday. And if you are used to a Catholic mass, some of our prayers will feel familiar to you. The biggest difference you might notice right away between a Roman Catholic parish and Epiphany is our commitment to be an inclusive church. While Roman Catholics do not ordain women, both our priest and deacon are women, as is the Anglican bishop of Montreal. We also fully affirm and accept members of the LGBTQ+ community. There are, of course, countless similarities and differences. If you have any specific questions, feel free to ask us! We hope you'll join us for worship soon.
  • Can I rent your building for an event?
    Thanks so much for your interest in renting the church! We would be happy to rent to you if your needs match our availabilities. We do give priority to our community's worship needs and out long-term community partners that rent our space. However, we have some availabilities to rent to other organizations and individuals. If you're interested in renting from us, please fill out the rental request form on this page, and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.
  • I'm struggling to put food on the table. Do you know of any organizations that can help?
    The rising cost of groceries has put additional stress on so many of us. While we don't have the ability to help you ourselves, there are a number of community organizations in Verdun that can help. This document lists the services currently offering emergency food assistance in Verdun.
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